What are the reasons why the american mainstream media is bias towards Israel? What could they (the US) be benefitting from the bias? How could the new channels and papers be benefitting from the bias?|||Biased towards Israel? I'd say the media in the US is biased against Israel although less so than Europe.
Most every allegations Arabs make about Israel, however preposterous, gets press coverage and is reported as news. And when it usually turns out to be false information, it is "old" already and the news cycle has moved on.
Whether it is a fictional "jenin massacre" or blaming Israel for killing Mohammed Dura. When it turns out that palestinians killed him, well, that's "old and not newsworthy." All we remember are the headlines when it was "newsworthy.
And it makes a bit of sense.
It isn't only the personal attitudes or potential bias of a journalist influencing the final article or television report. Other media professionals can also have a major bearing on the construction and direction of a story.
Palestinian translators and fixers may be necessary but those with a political agenda can be selective with the information they feed the journalist or, at worst, mistranslate the words of the interview subjects. Writing on the influence of Palestinian organizations on foreign news reporting, the JCPA's Dan Diker noted:
According to senior foreign news sources based in Jerusalem, the vast majority of Palestinian fixers - often close friends of Palestinian employees of Jerusalem-based foreign news agencies - are ideologically motivated by the Palestinian cause, and actively encourage journalists to report exclusively on the "evils" of the Israeli occupation, rather than on the lack of democratic freedoms or human rights abuses in the West Bank and Gaza.A case study of this phenomenon is Nidal Rafa who was, until recently, employed for the past few years as a producer for CNN. A simple Google search of her name reveals that she has contributed to many CNN pieces from Israel and the Palestinian territories as well as for other media organizations such as NPR and the BBC. She has also been involved with a number of pro-Palestinian organizations and publications.
Evidently, Rafa spent some time working as a fixer for other media, including Fox News, before landing a position at CNN. Ha'aretz, in a feature several years ago, accompanied Fox News correspondent at the time, Jennifer Griffin, on a trip to Israel's Wadi Ara region:
It is Griffin, aided by an interpreter, who conveys what the Arabs have to say. Here, she is totally dependent on her interpreter Nidal Rafa...Perhaps the most infamous manipulation of the media by a Palestinian stringer was that of cameraman Talal Abu Rahmeh. His edited footage and sole testimony from Gaza in 2000 was the basis for France 2's discredited report on Mohammed al-Dura. (See HonestReporting's "The Big Lies" interactive presentation for more on the case.)
In 2004, the BBC's Fayad Abu Shamala was exposed as a possible Hamas member after Ha'aretz reported on a Hamas preacher caught on tape stating "that Hamas man Faiz Abu Smala works for the BBC, and that way he writes the story in favor of the Islam [sic] and Muslims."
There is also intimidation. The PA threatens and has killed reporters for straying off message.|||Whoever controls the various media outlets calls the shots.A great deal are owned by Israeli sympathisers,hence the bias and the under reporting of atrocities against Palestinians.Americans tend to tie Jewishness and Israel together and guilt about the holocaust rather than just judging Israel's administration for their actions which are widely condemned throughout the world.It's no secret that America isn't actually running the shop,shall we say.|||American media isn't biased. America is a conservative nation. If you want bias, go talk to a left winger or anti-West terrorist supporter hopefully in a land far away from here. If it must be here, then let them continue to be few in numbers, not ranking anything in the news. Nobody believes biased media, that's why the falsities aren't portrayed except by news orgs with low ratings. How often you see the town crazy man standing on the corner with the sign portrayed on the news broadcasting it as fact? You don't. If they did, they wouldn't last. Americans aren't stupid and we're not going to waste our time watching a news program that insults our intelligence.|||Because the United States was overwhelmingly Christian when it was decided in the l920's by the French, English and U.S. that the Jews should have a homeland. We can't back down now because the evangelical nutcases would cause a huge stir.
It is because of the Bible that Americans cite our 'need' to protect Israel.
As for me, I feel sorry for the Palestinians. It's an endless 'I'll kill your kids, you'll kill mine' quagmire than will never cease because of religion. Christopher Hitchens is mostly right, religion DOES poison everything. Not everything, in my opinion, but more murder has been done in the name of religion that anything else throughout history.
And no, Jews do not 'run everything'. That's just one of hundreds of ludicrous myths about Jews. And no, I'm not Jewish, just smart.|||1. There are millions of Jews in the USA. They form a powerful block.They have lots of money and are very willing to spend it on their cause. Just see how fast people are swatted down when they speak out against Israel.
2. That Helen Thomas woman got booted out of the job (that she held for decades) she held in the press just for saying her unpopular opinion about Israel.So much for free Speech.
3. All benefits flow from the USA to Israel. None that I see flow the other way. How can this be explained? Fifth columnists inside the USA work to help Israel.|||Agree with ag318. The clear and obvious evil of Israel is hidden behind messages of "we are the victim". Zionist control of the media has blinded a lot of people.|||Ask yourself who owns the media and the companies that advertise on them? Who owns the banks that loan the companies the money to operate and grow?|||AIPAC is really good at their job. The media/politicians are terrified of them.|||It would help if you give us some examples. Links to stories or videos showing some obviously biased news story. I hear people say this all the time. But they can't really give any examples.|||Most of the media is run by Jews. So what do you expect?|||I don't get it...
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