Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why is the Press is too bias towards barack obama?

I finally lose my trust to our press here in America.. (not all of them)..

the journalism I know is not the journalism I see today.. When obama gets ebdorsement, the media reports it. But when hillary gets endorsement, the emdia ignores it.

Is this the journalism of today? A journalism that is dirty, unfair and bias? I hope that many people will realize that.|||I totally agree with you.

The journalism today is dirty and bias.|||Which press are you reading? The KKK? Every newspaper I read is all for Hussein.|||They are afraid of being labeled racist.|||What McCain won't say is that his recently appointed campaign "consigliere" and general co-chairman in charge of fundraising is not only a lobbyist for Saudi Arabia, but has earned millions of dollars setting up meetings between the Bush White House and the Saudi government.

February 27, 2008

by Daniel Hopsicker

The lavishly-furnished custom Boeing 727 airliner (727PX) which ferried Senator John McCain on four occasions during his Presidential run in 2000 also flew Saudi Royals out of the U.S. right after 9/11, carrying an entourage of Saudi Royals from Las Vegas to London six days after the 9/11 attack in a controversial operation later scrutinized by the 9/11 Commission.

The 727 figures in the current tempest over his relationship with female lobbyist Vicki Iseman, who provided and flew with McCain on the plane.

With hundreds of air charter companies and airliners to choose from, the Saudis chose a company that owns “Worship Ministries” and Christian Network, Inc., turning to Paxson Communications, a “Christian broadcaster” which owned the plane, to make its corporate jet available to spirit the Saudi princes and their entourage out of the U.S. six days after 9/11.

The Saudi Royal party made good their escape from Las Vegas on an airliner sporting a Christian symbol of peace, a dove, on it’s tail, an intriguing detail and compelling human interest story—Muslims flying Air Jesus—that has to date been reported nowhere but in the MadCowMorningNews.

Go figure.|||Murdock who is a republican owns the media...they want Obama to win so that McCain will win the White House. I've watched this unfold for a couple months...I don't know why people cannot see how bias the media is against Hillary. I think the republicans fear her the most...and rightly so!|||Umm, I think GHWIN read your post wrong (He was saying Obama is being supported...

The media has an agenda... They used to be subtle about it, now they are like thugs with clubs... They have always been this way, even before they were born... You have just grown to see it now.|||Although I agree with you that most of the mainstream journalists are blatently pro-Obama, I would also like to point out that there are many who are complete Obama-haters and who present an only negative view of the man (and apparently some of them visit this site). I personally don't care who the journalist/news anchor/debate moderator is supporting, but I don't believe in a fair election we should be able to see that in their coverage. I thought journalists where trained to think independently and to just present the facts. This election has been a cold slap of reality and I've been absolutely disgusted how overwhelming the media paints the picture they want us to see (even when it's in support of my candidate!)

If this continues, I have a feeling lawyers will no longer be the most hated professionals...what do you call 1000 election 'pundits' at the bottom of the ocean?|||You're totally right. When Hillary flipped out because she got the first question and said it happened all the time and alluded to the media bias against her, I'm sure she was greatly concerned to hear that she's gotten the first question in only fourteen, while Obama's gotten 11. This is an obvious conspiracy. A conspiracy invented by Hillary and a few of her below average-IQ supporters. Ever think about that Obama is more popular and therefore it's better news strategy to cover him, people don't really like hearing about Hillary, which isn't so good for her campaign. Obama is simply more inspiring and better looking than the 60 year-old. Add that to the fact that he's willing to take a common sense approach to politics and Hillary's done, though I'm sure she'll try to forcefully take the nomination with Florida and Michigan, or by bribing the delegates, as she's already promised to do. Someone with ethically questionable tactics isn't someone I want leading my country.|||Hussein Obama is the media Golden Boy and gets only the best press coverage

The media admitted to giving him a free pass so far after the debate Tuesday night.

If Clinton complains everybody accuses her of crying foul and ridicule her.

When they start the general election coverage they won't be able to give him a free pass because McCain will give them hell if they do and the GOP Attack Machine will be in full force then.|||Unfortunately the press is that biased......and I agree that they are afraid of being labeled.....I think that Obama is manipulative. He does a very good job of convincing us that he is real and wants to help........but

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