Monday, December 12, 2011

Bias down to the core what is it truly and is it linked to judgements?

-I know that it's expresssing a dislike towards something/someone due to jealously, something unknown or because of the role that the indivdual plays in the society. But basically I don't want to be repeating myself with the same sentences with different wording.

Also I probably don't have the right idea of bias so can someone in their opinion state what bias is.

In a simplistic sentence. Not too lengthy.

Thanks Ten points is up someone's way!|||A bias is a fixed opinion of an conclusion

that comes from a position / opinion

the tester holds.

Therefore a Kentucky Chicken employee

could hold a personal bias because they like the stuff.

A Ford dealer would not for example publicly state

Jaguars or Honda's as being the best cars because

of personal bias.

Good Luck.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission. (Earth).

14th Year Psychology Student.

4th Year Hypnotism Student.

4th Year Self Taught Music Student.

32 Years Qualified Automotive Technician.|||Thanks I was polishing it too.

Mars Mission.

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|||How about some common sense. Its a number of ideologies that you express vicariously and subconsciously or not, so basically its cognition embedded in our way of thinking that gets expressed through action.

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