Monday, December 12, 2011

Which of the following situations is most likely to result in publication bias?

Which of the following situations is most likely to result in publication bias?


1.The alternative hypothesis is true in a way that makes it practically significant.

2.A null hypothesis is true and many different researchers are testing it.

3.The alternative hypothesis is true but not in a way that makes it practically significant.

4.A null hypothesis is false and many different researchers are testing it.|||1. The alternative hypothesis is true in a way that makes it practically significant.

Publication bias is the tendency of publications to handle research that makes significant findings differently than one that supports a null hypothesis or is inconclusive. If a report supports aalternative hypothesis that supports a significant relationship in a way that makes it practical, publications are likely to give the report more attention, compared to negligible coverage that would be received if the report concluded there was no relationship.

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