Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the origin of the media bias against anything conservative?

While a few may debate whether the media has an agenda, it is clear from multiple news sources that there is an overwhelming bias against anything conservative. For example, consider the media's stance on abortion, contraception, the Republican Party, the war in Iraq, homosexuality, or religion. On each of these issues, the media is overwhelmingly on the left. This would seem to be a relatively recent phenomenon, and I am curious as to why this is the case.|||Well, just watch Fox news if you want to hear from the right on a daily basis.|||most journalists seem proactive which lands them in the liberal side of politics and then minority of journalists are reactive and they seem to be conservative minded except for Rush and Limbaugh (sp?)who are on the far right of conservatism and not moderate like myself.

Of course both sides are capable of making us think unless one is very closed minded|||Its not whether its right or left its the issue at hand. They just happen to think abortion is wrong, and homosexuality is okay. And hate the war in iraq (so does most people). Media is meant to keep up with the present and bring in the future. The future has very little things conservative sense conservative views are usually traditional. Also certain views which may be sexist (saying homosexuality is not okay) is not allowed to be expressed on television. I do also believe that the rich and famous control the media, Oprah is very liberal and she kinda rules daytime television, most states that are liberal has the richest overall population (you can look it up), upcoming celebrities in rock n roll and hip hop are also mostly liberal celebrities. Country stars are usually conservative but they arn't popular enough to fit into todays music videos.

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