Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do you think we need a new news media who is sworn to only reporting the truth with no bias?

I think we've all had enough of media bias. I would like honestly and truth in reporting. Just the facts.|||Yes.

We need the media to report accurately, truthfully and with no bias but we both know that's not going to happen.

The media has one agenda and that is to make money.

It's unfortunate that craps sells but the spoon-fed sheeple have been brainwashed to believe everything they see and hear.|||NO but let me explain.

All of the current news media believe they are giving unbiased news reporting. Fox claims to be "fair and balanced", CNN says they are the "most trusted", while MSNBC has a "fuller spectrum of news". Each thinks they are already giving the most unbiased, fair news. Everyone else knows they have their own bias which is injected into the news.

Adding more stations will only give us more biased stations. The best alternative is to get news from a variety of sources.|||Absolutely.

The bias treatment of the national politicians in the last election was disgusting. Most media outlets did not investigate or care too. Instead they reported "fluff" articles about the candidates they favored.

Or attacked the people that requested the truth about the candidates.|||Those of us who are older remember a time when journalists reported the news whether it hurt their cause or not. Just a tad bias at times.

Today it's, report how you want it to be and the hell with the rest.

Very depressing!

Swearing in media would never fly in America|||I think that with the demise of Newspapers and serious reporting - too many will rely on blogger opinion - a dangerous thing. But we are all too lazy to read - we want our 30 second sound bites.

"I have seen the enemy and it is us" (Pogo)|||Just reporting! I can't count the stories that I see starting with "Analysis:".

I don't want you to analyze the news for me, I want you to REPORT it.|||good luck with that

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