Thursday, December 15, 2011

Has the Duke false accusation rape case revealed the anti-male bias in US courts?

There are 1000s of false allegation by women against men every year.

There are 1000s of men in jail at this very moment, convicted of rape only by the testimony of a woman who "believes she remembers".

There are 100s of cases where recently-invented DNA tests have demonstrated the male prisoner was not guilty.

When will US courts show honesty and admit its anti-male bias?|||No.

People have the wool completely over their eyes with regards to anti-male bias.

Feminists have been drilling the idea into society for 40 years that "men have it great %26amp; women are downtrodden."

People are automatically programmed to ignore anti-male bias.

It's actually remarkable.

It will take many more "Duke Lacrosse" episodes %26amp; many more innocent men's lives ruined before it will even become a "blip" on the radar.

Many more children will grow up without meaningful relationships with their fathers due to bias in the family court system.

All the while these men will be told that it is women %26amp; women only that are oppressed by our society.

40 years of unrestrained attack by a self-centered %26amp; anti-male group has a way of shaping a society, unfortunately.|||I think it did a good job of showing how women are NOT held accountable for their actions. The prosecutor (a male) was held accountable for his part in the grand deception - what happened to the lying skank? Nothing.|||US Courts are anti male. For example, a woman just has to cry "abuse" at a divorce settlement to get the kids, because judges have a policy "its better to err than let the kids to an abuser". Yeah, nevermind evidence, men's rights, or the possibility of a female abuser.

I remember a few months ago, when feminazis here posted this trial and whined and whined about being oppressed.|||In a way yes but it has more revealed the willingness of the public and sadly the state to indulge itself in a witch hunt against the N!**er of the turn. Red haired women used to be the target, after that blacks, now its the "angry white man" which gets railroaded. Ending racism against blacks should end racism period and not just shift attention to the next target group.

Id like to think that the duke boys benefitted from Americas past experience with juridical abuse against the hate target of the moment, but the sad fact is, that their resources are to praise.

There seem to be a deep rooted desire to in America to indulge into racism and prejudice and since at least at the moment it isnt politically incorrect to target the white man, he gets targeted.

To be fair the situation isnt the same as for the blacks of 50 years ago, since its white men who still hold all the strings, but if you are on the recieving end of racism by blacks and sexism by women and a fellow white man decides to capitalize on the situation it is little consolation for you that other white men still hold all the cards in the country. Your fate isnt different from what many blacks suffered and no, revenge for past racism isnt a valid reason to commit racism or sexism.|||Courts rarely convict someone with no evidence these days. Though there are probably some innocent that were "convicted" prior to DNA testing, I think most courts now hold higher standards and require evidence. This is one reason why real rape cases are hard to prove sometimes. But those who falsely accuse should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The Duke case showed the biased in US courts as well as US society of not just gender, but race and class as well.|||the duke case revealed the dishonesty and lack of ethics embraced by the prosecuting attorney, who as it were happens to be male. how 'bout we discuss the win at any cost mentality demonstrated in our courts?

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