Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is a good website to find non bias political information?

I need to know a good website that tells me everything I need to know about every canidate without bias.|||Politics don't exist without bias. You will need to gather all the information you can find and compile that information and make a decision about each issue based on what you've read and how you feel about particular issues.|||Aww, isn't she cute -- you're new to the political process, aren't you? There's no such thing as bias-free politics, kiddo; learn to read between the lines 'cause EVERYBODY is trying to put one over on you.|||ROFLROFLROFLROFL!

your question contains an oxymoron. you're not a moron though, just a good person seeking the truth. good though, it's people like you who, if taught well an properly raised, deserve to lead our country.

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